Biobased products| impact SDG: 8, 9, 12, 13, 15
N62 Tractaatweg
In 2017 Zeeland sought to commission a works contract to widen the N62 road ‘Tractaatweg’ (100 km/h) in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen from one to two lanes in each direction and to build four new viaducts. The N62 is a major road connecting the seaports and the industrial areas of Ghent (in Belgium) with Terneuzen and Vlissingen (in the Netherlands). The Province of Zeeland sought to widen this North-South road connection to help improve the flow of traffic and road safety.
Contracting Authority: Province of Zeeland
Contractor: Boskalis
Period: Contract awarded in February 2017 and completed in October 2018. Official opening February 8th 2019.
Suppliers biobased products:
Natural Plastics: Eco-keepers, Tree ankers
F&T/Phormium: Duracover, Geotextiel
Rodenburg: GS PRO Grass Plates Bio
Millvision: Biobased warning fences
The biobased products contribute to the SDGs
positive impact measured
The indicators to meaure the impact are based on the NPR-CEN/TR 16208 for biobased products and the Cradle to Cradle Product Standaard v3.0 for the reutilization score.
Indicator 1
% of renewable materials in the product
biodegradable fraction from agriculture, forestry, aqua culture, industrial waste household waste
CEN/TR 15932 Biobased carbon content
Indicator 2
Improved functionality or performance
extended life time, no (hazardous) emissions, no waste, improved air quality, reduced maintanence, hygiene or phycial strenght etc.
Indicator 3
Green house gas emissions/product
Identify the GHG emissions from raw material to final disposal of the product
ISO14040/14044, EPD of MPRI blad
Indicator 4
Reutilization score of the product
(a) % reusable or compostable
(b) % reused material or renewable material
Formula: (2a + b) /3 x 100
During the dialogue process, the companies who responded to the tender were asked to deliver two specific biobased products plus one or more products from a pre-identified list of market-ready bio-based options. In addition, they were asked to deliver at least one ‘pilot testing’ of their own choice from a list of pre-identified innovative bio-based products.
Biobased products
Boskalis used four biobased products:
- biobased geotextiles for ground coverage
- biodegradable tree anchoring system
- biobased road hard shoulders
- development of biobased roundabout signs
“Our starting point was that biobased products are not a nice to have but a must have in this tender.
During the dialogue process, the companies who responded were asked to deliver two specific biobased products plus one or more products from a pre-identified list of market-ready bio-based options. In addition, they were asked to deliver at least one ‘pilot testing’ of their own choice from a list of pre-identified innovative bio-based products.
The rationale behind the approach used was to provide the companies taking part in the competitive dialogue process as much flexibility as possible, whilst ensuring that the expectations of the contracting authority would also be met.