Sustainable Procurement Dashboard
2020 -2023
The Province of Limburg aims to purchase socially responsible as much as possible in a professional, honest, reliable, transparent and uniform manner.
Three important themes play a role in the tendering and purchasing policy: regional business (economy), SROI (people) and sustainability (planet).
The aim is to strengthen Limburg’s innovative and competitive economy and to contribute to the sustainable development goals.
Sustainable procurment is a strong instrument to translate our policy goals in our own tenders: ‘Practise what you preach’. In 2020 the Provincial States adopted the Policy Circular Economy 2.0. Circulair procurement is an important focus area.
Regional economy
Contribute as much as possible to the creation and maintenance of employment in Limburg through tenders.
Active invited
The regional business community is actively invited to multiple private tenders where possible.
Inclusive society
Spend part of the tender amount for jobs, internships and apprenticeships for people at a distance from the labor market.
Projects SROI
All promising purchase orders> € 100,000 as a requirement for the contractor.
Circular economy
Accelerate the transition to a circular economy in Limburg through tenders and contribute to the local climate challenge.
Circular pilots
Objective: 3 projects
Current status: 7 projects