
We made a selection of available tools, databases and best practises to make it easy for you to make impact.

Risk check tool (CSR)

The CSR Risk Check tool is aimed at companies that are exporting to, importing from or have production facilities in foreign countries.

Start this (short) check and find out which international CSR risks your business activities are exposed to and what you can do to manage them.


Green public procurement EU criteria

The EU GPP criteria are developed to facilitate the inclusion of green requirements in public tender documents. While the adopted EU GPP criteria aim to reach a good balance between environmental performance, cost considerations, market availability and ease of verification, procuring authorities may choose, according to their needs and ambition level, to include all or only certain requirements in their tender documents.

Case studies (ICLEI)

 Case studies showcase replicable sustainable, circular, and innovation procurement approaches and strategies. The resource centre of ICLEI contains over 200 case studies which detail the methods used, the obstacles overcome and successes achieved in implementing sustainable public procurement.  

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