services | SDG 13, 17
The focus of the flexible labor tender was the reduction of greenhouse gases such as CO2 as a result of commuting. The aim is to reduce the CO2 footprint of the Province of Zeeland. CO2 emissions are caused by burning fossil fuels for transport. The contractor must submit a Plan of Approach with a baseline measurement and incentives within six months. This should specify how flex workers who are put to work at the Province of Zeeland will be encouraged. If no reduction is achieved during the contract period (compared to the zero measurement), the emissions must be compensated by planting trees in the Netherlands.
Client: Province of Zeeland
Contractor : Unique
CPV code: 95131000-9
Activities: Service provider for temporary employment, secondment, freelancers and employees under the Participation Act. The intended Contractor has a mediation role (broker function).
Period: The contract was awarded on March 1, 2020. Contract duration 3 years with possible extension of 1 year.
Tender type: European public tender.