Circular Product | SDG 8, 10, 12, 13
edge T
Edge T has a T-leg frame and is characterized by a rectangular top leg and foot tube.
The foot tube is tightly welded and polished. Edge T is a desk program with extensive dimensions.
Edge T is entirely produced in the Netherlands and supplied without plastic packaging. The protective cover for transport is made from residual materials from our own factory and is reused.
This product is developed by Vepa under the made-in-holland label.
social inclusion
reutilization score
lower CO2 emissions than branche average
% renewable material
social inclusion
Active in recruiting employees with a distance to the labour market.
The raw materials are 31% from recycled material. The product is 98% reusable after use.
Low CO2
The product is entirely produced in the Netherlands. The wood used absorbs CO2 during growth.
Residual value
The product can last 2 or 3 lives. After 7 years, the product can be taken back at an already fixed price.